Court proceedings and lawsuits resulting from personal injury claims are extremely common. This guide details everything that is usually involved in this type of lawsuit. Many people will begin personal injury claims without any clear idea of the procedures they will be required to follow. While a good law firm will ensure that claimants are … Read more
Unfortunately, there’s always a chance for bad things to happen when you least expect it. This can be even worse when the disaster is an accident that can severely negatively impact your life. In fact, one of the prime examples of this can be getting into a car accident with a drunk driver. The impact … Read more
Courtroom interpreters play a crucial role in ensuring that the US justice system is able to serve the needs of individuals with low English proficiency. Census data in the past decade has shown that the number of LEP individuals in the United States has reached 25 million, making court interpretation services ever more important as immigration … Read more
Can immigrants lose their UK citizenship? The new Immigration Act 2014, which came into force on Tuesday 15 July 2014, includes some significant changes to the immigration rules. The following is a brief summary of some of the points that people should be aware of if they are considering applying for naturalization as British citizens … Read more
Federal and state specific wage & hour laws govern the fundamental standards of minimum wages and overtime pay in American workplaces. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the main federal law concerning wage and hour related aspects of workers’ rights in the United States. As per FLSA, American employers are required to – … Read more
In the United States, it is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance. Being charged with or convicted of DUI will have significant ramifications on your future, including your career, employment opportunities, and finances. In the majority of U.S. states, you will be arrested for DUI if … Read more
If you’ve been involved in an accident, you would naturally expect your insurance provider to have your back. Since you’ve been making your payments every month, it only makes sense that, when you do need to file a claim, they’ll honor your request and ensure you receive fair and prompt payment. But this isn’t … Read more
In the event of a violent crime, many people are shocked to learn that the police or paramedics have no responsibility to clean up the scene. They will remove the body if necessary and collect evidence, but that’s the extent of their actions. If you’re a homeowner or property owner, you’ll be left handling the … Read more
The modern system of the judiciary has made it very easy for the subjects of any country to have access to justice. With anything going wrong, you get to knock on the door of the judiciary and fight for your rights. It is for this reason that a constitution is designed to help governments … Read more
How our UK immigration lawyers can help? Our UK immigration solicitors cover the full spectrum of legal issues affecting non-EU migrants entering and living in Britain. For many this will be a complex and emotionally charged area of law, and we offer specialist advice to help you meet your objectives. We can assist with: … Read more