Court fees unpaid I was summoned to court for driving with a suspended licence and…
Once your violation is issued do you still have to pay supervision fees up until court?
Once your violation is issued do you still have to pay supervision fees up until court?
I violated my probation and they issued a warrant.5 months later I was arrested and spent 1 more month in jail before court. I was sentenced 30 more days witch made it 60 for the violation and they reinstated my 11/29 witch was to restart afer jail.I paid 3000 in full for the fines witch would allow me to be on unsupervised probation as the courts stated I could do.then when I went to report to probation to show I was eligible for unsupervised probation due to paying fines in full,she says I owe7 months back probation fees.I thought when you violate,your probation stops until a judge sees you to make a decision on what action’s are to be taken due to the nature of the violation.I was incarcerated 2 months of the 7 she is trying to charge she says $45 a month supervision ×,7 this right?
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
This decision is all up to the judge, even though you had violated your probation you were still under probation supervision, you are not out of that system till a judge says you are.