Does the court consider the future treatments in an auto accident injury lawsuit? I participated other’s hearing in a Magistrate Court before my own hearing. I saw the plaintiff won his car accident injury case but the judge said the court does not consider his future treatments. Is it true the court does not consider … Read more
Is it neglect and can i withhold his visitation or do something? My x and I have temperary parenting plan in place. Hes in the process of contesting it. My son is allergic to cats. I even have proof. A letter from his doctor an messages from them. My x knowing this is refusing to … Read more
Is there a lesser charge i can plea to? I got a ticket for careless driving as i backed out of a placr of business onto the hwy and backed into another vehicle that was waiting at a red light. I was backing out at maybe 2mph and the other vehicle was in my blind … Read more
Is there any legal action I can take against the Arrons manager? I had a manager from Arrons rental come to my house accussing my girlfriend of stealing a PS4… The person who rented from Arrons lived at my girlfriends grandpa house… She never stole any PS4 the manager was threatening her say the cops … Read more
Do I have a case to fight a ticket? I am from CT, heading up to Southern NH for an interview. My GPS took me through Lowell. Coming up to one of the intersections (red light), there were two lanes. With no signs, and my GPS telling me to go straight, I meandered down the … Read more
My ex is trying to use texts against me in court, which may have been alttered. Are texts considered in court ? Going through a divorce Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Texts may be allowed in court under the rules of evidence. They may not be used if they are hearsay and do not fall … Read more
Can I use the logo without being sued by dodge? If a logo was once in use o a dodge srt viper car but is not in use anymore, can I use that logo now? I will use the logo in a clothing field business, so it’s not in the car business. Also, I will … Read more
What is the difference between clocking and pacing? I know the officer did not use radar or lidar because it was not checked off First time offender pulled over for going 80-85 in a 65. Officer was in front of me in right lane and I never passed him. Citation has “clocked” checked off but … Read more
What will happen to my license? I got into a accident December 21, 2015. With my permit. The wreck was not my fault. Police said so. I got my class D license December 31, 2015. My court date was February 12. But it was rescheduled to April 19, 2016. Meaning i have held my license … Read more
What should I expect in court? I was going home from work to pick up my sister and was going down the side street officer said he caught me at 43 in a 25 and since I’m 17 about to be 18 I have to go to court. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I would … Read more