How can I have the ring returned to me? I purchased a ring for a possible marriage. I entered into a contract for 2 years of payments for the ring. In January, the relationship ended. I would like to have the ring returned as I am responsible for the payments. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer … Read more
If mall security was to IF Mall security was to detain me till the police came they wouldn’t, as I Would just go to my car and drive off. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Can you repost what exactly your question is.
Can I sell this property land that’s in my father’s name? What can I do? My father deceased 2 years ago & left no will. Come to find out he has property land in another state. There is a delinquent lien on taxes, subject to foreclosing. I have his contract to give deed on this … Read more
Will the a paraphernalia ticket be seen on my record if it is knocked down to a littering charge in court? My ticket could be knocked down to a littering ticket after court but I was ticked for paraphernalia. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I agree with the attorneys above, it is like any amendment … Read more
Can I file a restraining order on my 18 year old daughters boyfriend on her behalf. I live in Missouri. I have an 18 year old daughter. I want to know if I can file a restraining order against her boyfriend on her behalf. She has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety since she has … Read more
A few months ago a credit card was taken out in my name. I just found out it was my spouse that opened the account. A few months ago a credit card was taken out in my name and was used to withdraw about $300 cash. I just found out it was my spouse that … Read more
Can I redo my physical and forget about the first one? I have had my physical exam and everything went normal as my vaccination is up to date, skin and blood tests were negative. I have however failed to mention that I take medication eye drops on a daily basis. Now I am thinking I … Read more
What does cash bond to be applied mean? I have court fees and when i first left the court, the paper i took with me said 216 dollars The next day, i received in the mail an amended paper that then said, “cash bond to be applied 500 dollars.” What does this mean? Traffic Lawyer … Read more
I got the letter in the mail the other night and it said that the defendant was NOT GUILTY. What should I do? I am a unlicensed driver. However I was given a simple task from my brother to move the car from the front to the garage. As I made my way into the … Read more
What kind of motion do I file and how do I obtain it . I am needing to file a motion for a limited drivers permit. I have three suspensions on my record for drug possession but never while operating a motor vehicle. I have met all the requirements. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I … Read more