How do I respond to this? I was served a summons on 3/25/16 from the State of Maryland for a lease that was broken in April of 2009. At the time, I sent my keys back for the apartment and was told that they would follow up with me about the amount of money I … Read more
Will this ticket suspend my license. Should I fight it? I was on the lane to turn left. I didnt see any cars and turned left and a cop car came out of nowhere. He stopped me and gave me an infraction for not obeying traffic signals. I took a retraining course program about a … Read more
Never received divorce decree verifying the length of spousal support I was divorced in 2012, prior to the passage of C.R.S. §14-10-114 (3) (a) (I). At the time of the hearing, the judge reviewed all of our financial information and evidence and determined the length of support to be five years. We never agreed out … Read more
Can I get his bond revoked and if I can will I be responsible for the full $1,000? My son in law was charged with domestic abuse. He and my daughter were sitting on a bench at the park, talking and enjoying the day. A stander called the police and said that he pushed my … Read more
Can I do a mistrial, or can I prove that an answer I was baited to make does not constitute wether there was truly self defense I went to jury trial on the 21st. For bicycling under the influence. My witness played down the sucker punch he threw me as somehow playful and us being … Read more
Am I obligated to pay my husband college tuition back that he paid for me if we get divorced? I have been married for 6 years now. I started going to college after I got married. My husband paid for all my tuition now he wants $52,000 if I am going to divorce him. I … Read more
What are the most likely consequences for a minor facing misdemeanor C theft? I’m a minor and I was charged with misdemeanor C theft for allegedly stealing from Walmart, this is my first offense and I was given a citation and a juvenile field inquiry. What are the most likely consequences I will be … Read more
What can I do State of Wisconsin mother died two years ago willed the house to me but a mortgage isn’t in my name Ben paying on house for two years I have poor credit property taxes mortgage and insurance I Ben paying bank seems that they won’t let me assume mortgage what can I … Read more
Big gap between divorce trial We just had a 4-day custody trial and the additional 3-day trial will be in 6 months away. Now my boys have been completely alienated from me for more than two years, with this 6-month gap, it will certainly exacerbate the alienation. Does this type of long gap happen very … Read more
Can I sue Target? My pay card number was stolen at Target, and the thief drained my account of $3334.00. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I highly doubt you can sue target. You would need to show that they made it easy for someone to steal your pen number and how much of it was … Read more