Can my son be arrested by being guilty of association and is this harassment? Keep in mind… They are 14 year old kids Son in park with 2 friends. One friend hanging out with girl.. Supposedly play pushing each other. While other 2 boys talking with each other. Girl told boy to stop pushing but … Read more
Is there something I can do. I need my license to go to work and care for my family. I received a ticket for failing to prove proof of insurance in 2011. I just paid the tickets last week. Then I got a letter of reinstatement from the state of MN. This week I received … Read more
Me darán puntos a mi licencia de nuevo México ,,.si yo iva 12 millas arriba del límite? Tengo licencia de nuevo mexico, y me dieron un tiket de velocidad en el,estado de georgia ,transitaba en una vía de 40 millas,y yo iva a 52 millas, me darán puntos a mi licencia de nuevo México Traffic … Read more
IS THE CITY OR COUNTY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGES TO MY CAR. My car was impounded by police. It was vandalized when in the police impounded. Who is responible for damages? Traffic Lawyer Simon’s Answer I agree, let your insurance company fight it out. Home
Can I do my dui program and probation in California or which state is in charge of the licensing suspension? Going to be serving jail time for dui in Washington but i live in California DUI Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer All up to the the court in washington but in general yes.
Are my rights as a citizen of the United State being violated in any way? Was told that the government can make a law against me that I had to cause bodily harm to other individual first but in a court of law that I could stand in front of a judge and not be … Read more
Pending retail theft charges will my job fire me if I can get the case dismissed ? pending retail theft charges will my job fire me if I can get the case dismissed ? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Do not understand your question. Did you mean if you cannot??? Home
Please see “Explain your situation”, above. I do internet marketing and give advice to web users for ways to improve their Google ratings. I have a client in in New Jersey ( I am in California) who thinks that, for the $650.00 he has already paid me, that I am “faltering” on giving him good … Read more
Is there anything I can do Was arrested for 1st degree trafficking my first offense…but my lawyer told me to sign a plea bargain for second offense even though it was my first offense I got 10 yrs but now because of that I have a class b drug felony on my record what can … Read more
I need a address for T-Mobile because I want to sue them in small clam court how do I find the right address an phone number I need a address for T-Mobile because I want to sue them in small clam court how do I find the right address an phone number Richard’s Answer Depends … Read more