Speeding ticket question So I just got summoned to court for a ticket that happened back in nov/2014. I plead not guilty the first time and it turns out the officer filed it in the wrong court back in 2014. Can they even still do this? I was told they could refile, after making sure … Read more
Will I be able to get out of a failure to yield traffic violation when I didn’t make a left turn or enter anyone’s lane? I was making a left turn onto a 4 lane road from another road that was ending. Absolutely no vehicles were coming from the left and only two vehicles were … Read more
Do we need an attorney present? My daughter had a court appearance last December for 2 counts. Count 1, Exceeded Posted speed limit by 20-25 miles per hour. Count 2, driving while revoked/suspended 2nd or subsequent offense. I called the court to request an extension and the lady I spoke to said we will be … Read more
Is sending someone emails considered cyberstalking Well I was recently in jail for 7 months for cyberstalking but when I looked it up online and compared it to my case it didn’t seem like I was cyberstalking anyone. There was this girl named Araya Nicks who I sent messages to a few times who never … Read more
Comments Off on If prson is dba a fictitious business but the buiness they are involvd in requires licensing by a state gency
If prson is dba a fictitious business but the buiness they are involvd in requires licensing by a state gency and they operate the business without the license, can they be sued for by other people who claim that because of their business they were injured and what for would they be sued? Traffic Lawyer … Read more
Comments Off on Our son was home from school today and for a second time some kids in his class said he was going to shoot up the school
Our son was home from school today and for a second time some kids in his class said he was going to shoot up the school This is the second time this has happened and it has been a traumatic and emotional thing for him and us as well.. The school won’t say where the … Read more
Do I have a case and if under what type of law? I took a job teaching special ed. and for two weeks everything was fine. At the two week mark, I asked some legal compliance questions, as the IEPs i inherited appeared to be out if compliance. During the ensuing 6 months, I was … Read more
Comments Off on How can i get justice for my yorki mix who tail was docked off without my consent at a routine vet visit for shots an grooming?
How can i get justice for my yorki mix who tail was docked off without my consent at a routine vet visit for shots an grooming? my yorki tail was docked off an the veterinarian said it was a mistake his nurse put down for the wrong dog to get docked an offered me 400$ … Read more
How do I dispute damage charges from a former landlord? How do I dispute charges from former landlord for damages ? Landlord has sent me a response to my letter to vacate 43 days after I moved. He has kept my $1350 deposit and charging me additional $464 items including re attaching the downspout after … Read more
Comments Off on How can I get Google maps showing distance between fwy overhead signs as well freeway satellite view of the area admissible?
How can I get Google maps showing distance between fwy overhead signs as well freeway satellite view of the area admissible? I recently attended my scheduled DMV hearing. It been continued since we reached our 1 hour limit. At the hearing I brought some Google maps print outs showing distance of freeway landmarks such as … Read more