Category: Questions & Answers

Is it legal for a debt collector to offer a settlement, garnish your wages, and still demand the same amount of money to settle?

Is it legal for a debt collector to offer a settlement, garnish your wages, and still demand the same amount of money to settle? My husband received a settlement offer from a debt collector on 6-6-16 for $3100 and it stated we had until 6-29-16 to respond. However, they garnished our bank account $1200 on  … Read more

DCFS is involved with my granddaughter after my first granddaughter’s death.

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  •   Criminal Law
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DCFS is involved with my granddaughter after my first granddaughter’s death. I need advice as to how can I get involved with protecting my 2nd granddaughter and my 3rd granddaughter due in August. My son and his girl are not responsible with raising my granddaughters after my first granddaughter was neglected and she passes 12/31/2014  … Read more

Is it possible to get a speeding ticket dismissed if the officer wrote the wrong time on the ticket? Specifically in Oregon?

  • admin,
  •   Speeding Tickets
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Is it possible to get a speeding ticket dismissed if the officer wrote the wrong time on the ticket? Specifically in Oregon? I was given a speeding ticket in Marion county in Salem, OR and the officer wrote the wrong time on the ticket. Instead of 12:49 pm the ticket stated 12:49 am. I am  … Read more