What are the fines/consequences I will get for Shoplifting? I got caught shoplifting in a king soopers. The cost of the things were less then $25. I’m 14 and this is my first time getting caught Shoplifting Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer You are a juvenile so not much they will do if you have a … Read more
Will paying the restitution still give me “criminal charges”? Do I have to pay both restitution and civil demand? I was an employee of bath and bodyworks. I got a restitution agreement and a civil demand notice because I owe the company $210 dollars. A guy made me an interview by phone and made me … Read more
Can I knowingly destroy potentially sensitive or confidential virtual property, data or information? I entered into a virtual handshake agreement to do some computer hosting. I set up a bunch (24) of VMs (Virtual Machines) on a shared server with other legitimate clients. The client paid 2 months and stopped paying. Eventually client turned out … Read more
What am i obligated to do and what can i aggree or disaggreed to ? So I dated a girl from august 23 – september 30 2015. We havent talked since. Cousin messaged me two weeks ago she needed to talk to me. She messaged me today and said she was 34 weeks pregnant and … Read more
Will add more details in the comment, since I ran out of room. Basically, I afraid if I complain to corporate they will fire me I work at a retail company that has like 500 stores… When I was hired a couple years ago they only gave benefits to “full time” workers & then after … Read more
How can you go about convincing someone they could be under an FBI investigation when they are not aware and cannot comprehend? FBI Investigation Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Your whole discussion with them sounds like, “obstruction of justice” I would steer clear of this person or you might find yourself in the investigation also.
Is this typical of my type of job with nothing i can do but grin and bear it? I manage a privately owned convenience store and was promoted to salary after 4 1/2 yrs.. Not fully knowing the laws at the time I gladly accepted. I have moved, literally, across the street from my job … Read more
Can judge refuse me to have a lawyer? I have a civil eviction case and I think there are possible discrepancies on how they went about the eviction. I have called legal aid and they said someone will review the case and they will let me know if they can help. Can the judge refuse … Read more
I want to tell him that I don’t want her to go back down there, but I know it will be a huge fight. How can I go about this? well I have talked to a lawyer and he assures me that just because the fathers name is on the birth certificate he has absolutely … Read more
What will i probably get in court for what i did and is house arrest one of those options? So i got caught smoking marijuana in school and i had a bag of it and a pipe too plus i was already on diversion so i have court now Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer This … Read more