Who is legally responsible for the repair cost so I can try to go to small claims for the repair cost? I was hit by a employee driving a company truck and the driver would not give insurance info would only give name and number then left the scene.I lost my job and currently have … Read more
Can I get a no contact order filed by a judge dropped if both the defendant and I want it dropped? I am a state witness for a homicide case and the judge recently filed a no contact order towards the witnesses and the defendants after 5 months. One of the defendants is my friend … Read more
Do I have a case? My mother was at a fast food exit pulling out, there are huge bushes on three sides of the exits, well she pulled out blindly never saw a truck and lost her life Friday afternoon April 1 because of it. Do I have a case as she had a good … Read more
Can I sue for personal injury and extended pain. I injured my back bumping around in an electric company truck . when I ask to be off for a doctors appointment ,they said take off and you will not have a job. I did go to a doctor and I have been going for three … Read more
I want to know if i can sew the school for having denied service to my child as i feel it is not called for. my daughters play school is denying her admission and cancelled as i complained about something and did not receive a response. i need to talk to an attorney and know. … Read more
Can I contest a Failure to yield that resulted in an accident where no one got hurt I was driving in Kansas City,MO and came to a signal with 3 lights. I was on left most lane, turning left. The light was green, I waited for about 5 seconds did not see any oncoming vehicles … Read more
What can i do Ok i have a CDL and on 12-16-2015.i crossed for Ohio in to Kentucky and got pulled in at the scales. I took in all my paper work and everything they asked for. And the officer told me that I needed a permit to drive through Kentucky.and it will cost 65.00.i … Read more
I’m wondering how and when to suppoena the officer. Received a speeding ticket on HWY 524 – Snohomish Co. Not really finding any discrepancies. I did request when the ticket was filed on the discovery but it was not sent to me, that was not provided. I’m wondering if I can request dismissal per IRLJ … Read more
How can I find out what or where to obtain a proof of service form? I applied for my CPL and was denied because of a seat belt ticket back in 2002. the ticket was put on my bankruptcy case in 2010. i thought it was taken care of until i received the letter of … Read more
What can I do since the ticket claims I was going enough over the limit to not allow for taking a course to reduce points? An officer claims he clocked me via radar going 28 over the limit at the top of a hill followed by 30 over part of the way down and ending … Read more