Can I press charges or is my only option small claims court?? I would like to know what I can get her for and do to her? Due to uncontrollable circumstances I had to move in with my dad and stepmom. Anyways I have on video where my stepmother broke into my room and into … Read more
What options do I have? My husband is constantly telling me he doesn’t want me but will not get a divorce however I want one. He hides things from me and lies to me. He doesn’t spend time with me or the kids and tells me our marriage was a mistake. Richard’s Answer Leave him, … Read more
Can I sue my mother for slander and making me lose custody False hear say accusations were said about me by my mother with no proof of any kind In court. I lost in court and i asked the judge why and he said “because of my mother, her statements must be true no mother … Read more
Is it possible to find out if someone is on probation? Bakersfield Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Yes, a criminal records or ca search is one way to find out.
Should i get a lawyer My son is in the first grade and he have the teacher that always harrasing him she has went as far as cursing him out. And sending department of children and families to my house twice. And i talk to the principle and they have no knowledge of anything at … Read more
Can I file lawsuit for water contamination? Hi. I have been sick in & out the hospital and back and forth to The doctors over the last year or two because I’ve been so ill and they didn’t know what was causing it but I kept getting basic blood test done over the years showing … Read more
Can I get this removed if I show I was unaware? If I purchase insurance can it be removed? can I get the ticket lowered? Yesterday I was visiting with my boyfriend who lives roughly 30 miles from my house, I was pulled over to the side of the street talking to my boyfriend when … Read more
What is the process of getting the case reviewed by whoever’s over the county prosecutor or get someone to over see this case. I feel I’m being treated unfair in my case the prosecutor has issued subpoena for whiteness multiple times. And has been asking for more continues every time. And he is friends with … Read more
What can I do to current employer and previous employer What can I do to current employer and previous employer I have previous employer’s releasing medical information about me to current employer that dose not put anyone at risk but they have made me sound like a drug user. I was working driving a truck … Read more
Opponent attorney in the court Hi, I just had my court and I’m VERY shocked of how the opponent attorney even lied in front of the judge. I knew she was difficult to deal with and it’s been so stressful along the way but I thought this might be because I’m self represent and not … Read more