Comments Off on Who is responsible for medical bills, me or my employer?
Who is responsible for medical bills, me or my employer? I was on the clock and driving a company truck and experienced chest pains and dizziness. I pulled over and called 911 and an ambulance took me to the ER and the hospital did X-rays and and ran some tests. Now the bills are rolling … Read more
Who has the right to end a parents life support? My mother died 2 years ago. I was not notified or contacted by the hospital or funeral home about termination of her life support or funeral arrangements I am her only child. The hospital instead had my 92 year old grandmother sign off on termination … Read more
If the door is open on a house & u enter?? Is this breaking & entering or trespassing if said door is open?? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Missouri statutes state the following Enter unlawfully or remain unlawfully”, a person enters or remains in or upon premises when he or she is not licensed or … Read more
Comments Off on What happens if about four years ago I received several around 8/10 red light camera tickets and at the time did not have pay?
What happens if about four years ago I received several around 8/10 red light tickets and at the time did not have pay? I live in a different state now but am worried if I could be jailed for this? Red Light Ticket Attorney Richard’s Answer There is always a possibility a warrant has been … Read more
Comments Off on I have 4 speeding tickets on my North Dakota license but no points and I am moving to Idaho will those tickets show up in idaho
I have 4 speeding tickets on my North Dakota license but no points and I am moving to Idaho will those tickets show up in idaho I’m wondering for insurance reasons. I have a cdl and hope my insurance will not see them Traffic Ticket Attorney Chris Simons Answer Why take the chance and worry, … Read more
How was I given a ticket a day after my violation? A cop showed up ant my house and gave me a misdamener ticket for a traffic violation he said I did the peri opus day. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer You can be given a ticket in general at any time when the officer … Read more
In your experience, how likely is it that my will my abuser will go to prison? My abusive husband assaulted police officers last year. This resulted in a misdemeanor assault conviction, a four year suspended sentence, and two years of probation. I fled the state of Iowa to escape his abuse and he violated his … Read more
Does it sound like I have grounds for a valid Traffic court ruling appeal? Please help I filed an appeal for my traffic cases conviction. I received a ticket, before having to appear in court the officer died of a heart attack. On the day of the trial I got to the court it had … Read more
How can I use my friend’s name and life events in my book? I am writing a memoir and I want to put in events, such as the meeting of all my friends, fights, important conversations, etc. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Tell the truth is the first thing and second is get written permission. … Read more
Comments Off on Is it possible to get a speeding ticket dismissed if the officer wrote the wrong time on the ticket? Specifically in Oregon?
Is it possible to get a speeding ticket dismissed if the officer wrote the wrong time on the ticket? Specifically in Oregon? I was given a speeding ticket in Marion county in Salem, OR and the officer wrote the wrong time on the ticket. Instead of 12:49 pm the ticket stated 12:49 am. I am … Read more