If I need 45 days in dwi court program before applying for ldp can the dwi court judge put a stay on dor revocation date 3rd dwi enrolled in dwi court program Traffic Richard Simon’s Answer I agree with counsel, you must remember that the criminal and administrative actions are separate.
Comments Off on What can I do about how I was treated
What can I do about how I was treated I was arrested at my apt and never read my rights, taken to jail booked, spent the night later bonded out the next day. When I was fingered printed the guy doing it used the F word at least 8 times while trying to talk to … Read more
Comments Off on In case it was illegal, can he use this recorded conversation against me in a trial, or any legal proceedings? or as an evidence
In case it was illegal, can he use this recorded conversation against me in a trial, or any legal proceedings? or as an evidence Hello– Dismissed from the jail, a criminal guy came to my apartment and without my consent he recorded our face to face conversation on an issue totally unrelated to his case. … Read more
How can I get the money back for all the years of paying when I shouldn’t have been paying. I have a daughter she is 20 years old I have been paying child support for her and she dropped out of school when she was 16 years old. I did the court over the phone … Read more
Duty to warn trespassers question I broke into my friends house and took a couple of thousand of cash (he wasn’t entitled to it because hes a drug dealer so its not really theft then I took some of his “coke” (hes not entitled to it because its illegal so its not really theft) and … Read more
Comments Off on What should i do if there is warrant for my arrest?
What should i do if there is warrant for my arrest? I was driving with no insurance and had minor accident. I received ticket for no insurance. Soon after i received collection letter from other driver’s insurance company for $2700! Damage to his car was from previous accident, not from me bumping into him. I … Read more
Comments Off on Is it legal for Telecheck to keep me on a high alert for bad check writing for threehundred thousanddollars .Walmarts mistake.
Is it legal for Telecheck to keep me on a high alert for bad check writing for threehundred thousanddollars .Walmarts mistake. Telecheck denied me a check for 30.01 dollars .I had the money in my account.I went out and called them and asked why i was denied .They said it was put in for writing … Read more
Comments Off on Is paying to go to a drug rehab clinic an extraordinary medical expense according to the state of missouri?
Is paying to go to a drug rehab clinic an extraordinary medical expense according to the state of missouri? Child support has been lowered because the Non custodial parent claims to have extra ordinary medical expenses. What is considered a personal extra ordinary medical expense? Traffic Richard Simon’s Answer Decisions of extraordinary medical expenses are … Read more
Comments Off on How do I go about filing assault charges?
How do I go about filing assault charges? Im a 54 year old lady that is on probation and only 2 months left til it’s over. I don’t want any problems but I was at a reception, just stopped by for a minute, my daughter, grandchildren and husband was in town for this wedding. I … Read more
Are there exceptions made to apply for ldp through dwi court before 45 days? my work requires I drive or face termination. 3rd dwi 45 day waiting period? not cdl Traffic Richard Simon’s Answer The court can always make exceptions, hire an attorney and have them plead your case.