Can we sue? Is anyone willing to take this case?

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Can we sue? Is anyone willing to take this case?

My boyfriend was sent back to prison for a parole violation. His 12/12 was up 4-3-15 and was released 4-14-25. Fulton Diagnostic Center shipped him too Booneville Correctional Center and his parole officer there caught it and told him and me both during a visit that “Fulton dropped the ball.” He was released immediately. He wants to sue for unlawful imprisonment or something along like that. We cant find anyone to take the case though in Columbia, Mo. I have research on the subject from a friend who is a law clerk and there are grounds too sue.
Not only that I asked if those days he was held past his 12/12 counted towards his sentence now and was told “That was in the past and the past is the past” by a lady in Fulton who was in charge if calculating his time this go round.
Can someone please help us fight for his rights?

Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer

You have a tough case but there are lawyers in Missouri and a governors commission to over see it, keep calling, there is a lawyer somewhere to take your case. Also try the southern poverty law center and the aclu.


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