Can I sue Target? My pay card number was stolen at Target, and the thief…
Do i have the right to sue?
Do I have the right to sue?
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
You are certainly able to sue. Your best case will be the denial of insurance benefits. You are what is generally tagged, “variable hour employee.” You have not agreed to do full time but sometimes do full time. If your hours of the employers insurance measuring time period are above 31 hours, you qualify for health insurance to be offered. The second part of your case will center around your employment agreement. If in your employment agreement you are to receive these benefits, then you have a contractual suit against your employer. The main thing will be what the language is in the agreement. If those benefits are not listed in your contract you may have a case for a verbal agreement or reliance damages(this however is a weaker case). You can also contact the department of labour to see if they can provide any help. The main thing you need to do is get ahold of your employment contract. Best of luck.